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2025 Updates to State Operations Manual Signify Impending CMS Surveyor Focus

In November 2024, CMS released memo QSO-25-07-NH, announcing major updates to surveyor guidance in the State Operations Manual (SOM) Appendix PP.

PharMerica and NADONA present this webinar to cover select revisions made to the manual that are indicative of areas of survey focus in 2025. Discussion will cover notable topics and their related F-tags, such as increased scrutiny for appropriate use of psychoactive medications, revised language that align pain management regulations with current standards of practice, and added guidance around admissions, transfers, and discharge.

Long-term care stakeholders are encouraged to attend this program to familiarize themselves with the revisions, evaluate current policies and procedures for compliance with the updated regulations, and educate staff on the updates before they go into effect on March 24, 2025.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025
1:00 pm ET

Presented by:

Cheryl Kendrick, PharmD, BCGP, Consultant Pharmacist, PharMerica

Karen McDonald, BSN, RN, VP, Chief Clinical Officer, Mission Health Communities


Learning Objectives:

1. Describe impending changes to SOM Appendix PP.

2. List facility best practices that would align with revised regulatory requirements related to psychotropic medications, pain management, and admission, transfer, and discharge.

3. Identify non-pharmacologic options, as CMS-emphasized first-line approaches to both psychiatric care and pain management.


CE Statement:
This program has been approved for 1 participant hour of nursing continuing education, as well as by NAB/NCERS for nursing home administrators (approval 20260203-1-A108973-DL). Attendees must be in attendance for at least 50 minutes to receive credit.



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