PharMerica's Model Psychotropic Stewardship Program
Psychotropics continue to be a topic of survey focus, with substantial regulatory oversight afforded to this high-risk drug class. PharMerica recently released an annual update to its model Psychotropic Stewardship Program, which helps facilities operate as proper stewards of psychotropic medications.The 2024-25 edition includes updated forms, resources, and continuing education programs in addition to the program’s core elements checklist, sample policies and procedures, reporting and tracking templates, and more.
This updated guide reviews the steps necessary to conduct an expired medication inventory audit, including areas to check, products to include, and helpful tips. The guide also includes a printable check-off form to make audits easier for staff.
Frailty can lead to isolation, vulnerability, and a decreased quality of life. In this e-guide, Dr. William Mills, executive VP of medical affairs and innovation at BrightSpring Health Services, shares his insights on recognizing and assessing frailty, employing exercise as a way to counter its effects, and measuring the outcomes of interventions.
Seniors presenting with numerous prescription medications and high-acuity conditions, combined with current price inflations, form the perfect recipe for rising pharmacy spend. From medication regimen reviews to helping take the burden off nursing staff, learn how consultant pharmacists are valuable allies in reducing costs.
Compliance Cue F760: Free of Significant Medication Errors
F760 provides surveyor guidance on keeping residents free of medication errors that cause discomfort or jeopardize health and safety. This Compliance Cue includes information about what constitutes a significant error, the medications that pose the highest risk, and steps that facilities can take to stay in compliance.